Chemmala Multivitamin Spices Oil

(4 customer reviews)


It’s a mix of naturally made Indian Traditional Oils and Spices which has innumerable health benefits its very effective in reviving digestive system and maintaining the Gut Health, it helps in maintaining good respiratory system and strong immune system.

Multivitamin Spice Oil

It’s a mix of naturally made Indian Traditional Oils and Spices which has innumerable health benefits its very effective in reviving digestive system and maintaining the Gut Health, it helps in maintaining good respiratory system and strong immune system.

People who have consumed multivitamin spice oil regularly for a few weeks have shared their experiences that they are able to reduce or heal from GERD, Acid reflux, Indigestion and bloating, chronic caugh, chronic heavy snoring, inflamation, etc.

Multivitamin spice oil consists of: Cold pressed oils such as Moringa oil, castor oil, mustard oil, coconut oil and spices such as cinnamon, clove, ginger, pepper, turmeric, black jeera etc.

Multivitamin Spice Oil - Revives digestive system, repiratory system, maintains gut health and immune system

4 reviews for Chemmala Multivitamin Spices Oil

  1. maghii

    I am using this oil from past few weeks and I am finding it great on my digestion.

  2. Vishwas Soman

    I am using this multi spice oil as recommended by Dr Anand. It is helping me a lot with my digestion, and also reduced pain in my joints.

  3. Arul Manickavasagam

    This product was proscribed by the Mr. Arun Prakash of Yogeshwar Vegetable clinic. It gave amazing results. It is good that it is available in online too. Wishing the best for Chemmala team. I am sure they raise because of their true motivation.

    • admin

      Thank you so much for your feedback. Your positive review means a lot and it keeps us motivated to give the best quality of products and service to our valued customers.

      IT CWELL

  4. Dr. Avinash Salgar Director – Preventive Healthcare

    I am happy to receive a positive health improvement feedback from people who have used your products.
    People who have used the Multivitamin oil have found
    1. Improvement in their mobility and relief from joint aches in mobility.
    2. Some have also advocated that their haemoglobin count over 3 months regular usage has risen by 3
    points 7.8 to 11mgdl.
    3. Some employees of manufacturing shop floor have expressed that their energy levels are high thus
    indicating that their endurance levels in their work has gone up – making them feel the energies they had
    when they were younger.
    4. Some homemakers who were experiencing fatigue overcame fatigue in about 2 months of usage.

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